EWG’s 2024 Clean & Dirty Dozen Lists

Let’s face it. The cost of food can be expensive and sometimes, you might wonder if organic is really worth it. We’re here to help!

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has consistently put together shopping guides since 2004 as they continue to fight for consumers’ rights to live healthier lives. This was on the heels of a disturbing report from the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that concluded “infants and children differ both qualitatively and quantitively from adults in their exposure to pesticide residues in foods” and some children’s diets exceeded safe levels of pesticides. As a result, the EWG released its first report which found that millions of children in the U.S., by the age of 5, were consuming up to 35% of their entire lifetime dose of some carcinogenic pesticides. This piece helped pass the Food Quality Protection Act by Congress in 1996, ensuring that the pesticides used in our food system will not negatively impact infants and children, the most vulnerable among our population. However, as we’ve learned in our modern food society, “legal doesn’t mean safe,” as EWG states. Knowledge is power, so this organization has continued to inform the population on a yearly basis about their findings in food.

Below is the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen of 2024.

Clean 15: According to EWG’s analysis, these 15 fruits and veggies contained the lowest amount of pesticide residue:

Dirty Dozen: Of the 46 foods included in EWG’s analysis, these were the 12 fruits and veggies that were contaminated with pesticides the most:

In love and wellness, Mel and Mel


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